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for Sustainable High Performance (ICE-AC)

“Program leadership team includes pioneers and masters in Team Coaching with proven experience
leading earlier cohort participants to Team Coaching Mastery.”

Program Description

Softpro Transformation Partners’ s Systemic Team Coaching Mastery for Sustainable High Performance is a competency-based 6-month in-depth ICAgile Expert-level Team Coaching Cohort Program. The game-changing program is a one-of-a-kind immersive and experiential journey designed to exponentially increase your leadership capabilities, facilitation, teaching, mentoring, and coaching range.

Our program leaders are masters in the program’s core competencies with proven experience in the field. At the end of six months, you will be able to demonstrate and practice excellence in professional and team coaching, mentoring, teaching, and facilitation.

To be Announced

Every Friday :
09.00 AM to 11.00 AM
( Eastern Time )

Regular Price : $7249 (USD)

25th Anniversary Celebration Price: $6249 (USD) 

Early Bird Price : $6749 (USD)


Program Highlights and Differentiators’ :

    1. Enneagram Assessment and Debrief (USD 500 Value) : The Integrative Enneagram creates self-awareness and uncovers the behavior patterns that subconsciously drive and motivate us to act in certain ways. When we make these patterns and motivations conscious, we can transcend them and develop richer, more supportive ways of being. Working with the Enneagram empowers individuals to take responsibility for their behaviors and grow from a greater understanding of why they act and react the way they do.
    2. Thought-Leaders Sessions : 3 to 5 sessions, 2 hours each, are being planned to be taught and facilitated by thought-leaders in topics that include but are not limited to Professional Coaching, Systems Coaching, and Professional Facilitation.
    3. Experience-based Scenarios : Throughout the program, you will practice your skills using the real-life scenarios we developed based on our experiences transforming teams, leaders, and organizations.This learning approach enables you to analyze and develop responses that include coaching plans, tools, facilitation plans, and teaching aids. We have learned from experience that this scenario-based approach enables you to learn from others’ experiences, collaborate, and develop novel responses.
    4. Synchronous Learning : This cohort meets weekly, except holidays. The learning includes large-group calls, small-group supervision, scenario calls, skill drills, practice spaces, and virtual residentials. We’ve also built additional asynchronous learning, building upon the core class learnings.
    5. Individual Coaching : We have learned from experience that coaching supports and sustains an Individual’s potential to maximize their performance. As a cohort participant, you will receive four sessions of 1:1 coaching. 
    6. Small Group SUPERvisions :
    7. Assessment and Feedback: Practice and feedback are required to improve existing or developing skills; ICAgile requires that you practice each core skill – coaching, mentoring, teaching, and facilitating a minimum of 25 hours per skill for the duration of the cohort.After completing each competency module, you’ll submit a self and peer-evaluated recording of each skill for formal assessment and feedback to ensure that you are on track to meet the program’s requirements.
    8. Two Virtual Residentials: The cohort starts with a virtual kick-off and residential, enabling a safe, fun-filled learning environment that aligns with the rigorous program requirements. You will spend this time learning and revisiting the program’s core elements. The Kick-off and virtual residential will be held over three days, 2 hours on day 1 and 4 hours each on day 2 and 3.  We’ll also have a midpoint residential, providing a safe space to come together and continue our in-depth exploration. The second virtual residential will likely be held over 2 weekends over four days, 4 hours daily
    9. Supportive Learning Practice: We know that independent practice supports both learning and community. We’ll create learning triads, rotating every 3 months. Then, toward the end of the cohort, you will participate in colleague-led calls. Working as triads and pairs is the minimum requirement of the program. We encourage you to practice and learn with all cohort members in addition to the assigned triads and pairs.

Success by the Numbers

On average, commit to spending 10+ hours in cohort calls, cohort-related work and practice each month. You will also spend time each month reviewing material, practicing skills, and meeting with your triad. Ours is an intensive program, meaning you’ll need to be present and participate in all the required calls and activities.

Having the support of your organization, teams, and those in your professional circle will help you progress faster and further.

Prerequisites and Program Entrance Criteria

Required Certifications
      • ICAgile Professional: Agile Coaching
      • ICAgile Professional: Agile Team Facilitation
Required Experience
      • 1+ years’ experience coaching two or more teams

Additional Factors

In addition to hands-on experience as a Team coach, these factors will help you to be successful in this cohort:

  • Possess a growth mindset, and you have a deep passion for Agile values and principles. You want to expand your range – exponentially as a Team coach.
  • Support from your organization’s leadership.
  • A current engagement where you can apply and practice the advanced skills that you learn in the cohort.


One or more program leaders will interview applicants who meet the pre-required certification and experience criteria. We do this to ensure that applicants fully understand the program’s requirements and expectations and answer any questions you may have.

Key Cohort Dates

Cohort Launch
    • To be Announced
Virtual Cohort Residential
    • TBD (Virtual Residential – 2: Deep Dive)\
  • Cohort Completion

Cohort Investment:

  • 25th Anniversary Celebration Price : $6249 (USD)
  • Regular Price: $7249 (USD)

Program Leadership Team

Arun Chinna Raju 300px

Arun Chinnaraju

(AEP Program Director)

David Chilcott

Trey Henderson big

Trey Henderson

Mike Edwards picture

Mike Edwards

Guest Faculty

Glenda Eoyang_px300

Glenda Eoyang

Michael Hamman_300px

Michael Hamman

Caitlin Walker Image 3

Caitlin Walker

Rebecca Sutherns Image2

Rebecca Sutherns

Guest Faculty Team

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